
Argument of Agreement and Disagreement untuk Debat Bahasa Inggris

Buat kalian yang ingin latihan English debate, tentunya ada banyak hal yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum kalian berlatih debat. Nah, salah satu diantaranya yaitu berlatih mengucapkan berbagai argumen yang ingin dipakai menggunakan beberapa ekspresi persetujuan dan tidak persetujuan atau argument of agreement and disagreement.

Berikut beberapa ekspresi tentang Agreement and Disagreement untuk menunjukkan persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan kalian terhadap lawan debat kalian nantinya.

Yuk, pelajari dulu beragam ekspresi berikut ini.

A. How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion. 

1. I couldn't agree more! 
2. That's absolutely true! 
3 .Absolutely! 
4. I agree with your point. 
5. I'd go along with you there. 
6. I'm with you on that. 
7. That's just what I was thinking. 
8. That's exactly what I think. 
9. That's a good point. 
10. That's just how I see it. 
11. That's exactly my opinion. 

B. How to Half Agree with an Opinion. 

1. Yes, perhaps, however ... 
2. Well, yes, but ... 
3. Yes, in a way, however ... 
4. Hmm, possibly, but ... 
5. Yes, I agree up to a point, however ... 
6. Well, you have a point there, but ... 
7. There's something there, I suppose, however. 
8. I guess you could be right, but ... 
9. Yes, I suppose so, however ... 
10. That's worth thinking about, but ...

C. How to Disagree Politely with an Opinion. 

1. I am not so sure. 
2. Do you think so? 
3. Well, it depends. 
4. I'm not so certain. 
5. Well, I don't know. 
6. Well, I'm not so sure about that. 
7. Hmm, I'm not sure you're right. 
8. I'm inclined to disagree with that. 
9. No, I don't think so.

D. How to Disagree Strongly with an Opinion. 

1. I disagree. 
2. I disagree with your idea. 
3. I'm afraid I don't agree. 
4. I'm afraid your idea is wrong. 
5. I can't agree with you. 
6. I couldn't accept that for a minute. 
7. You can't actually mean that. 
8. I wouldn't go along with you there. 
9. You can't be serious about that. 
10. You must be joking. 
11. It's possible you are mistaken about that.

Dalam menyatakan ketidaksetujuan kita dalam bahasa Inggris, kita dianjurkan untuk mengungkapkannya dengan menggunakan bahasa yang halus, walaupun itu dengan teman kita.  

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