
Latihan Soal Congratulation kelas 9 Kurtilas

Bagi kalian yang mau latihan soal-soal dalam bentuk congratulation, berikut latihan soal untuk materi Congratulation dalam berbagai situations yang ada.


1.      Hafa has just made a nice origami from origami paper. Beni praises her origami and hope that she will be the winner on the class creativity on the class meeting.
Beni: “________________________________________________________________________.”
Hafa: “Thank you. I hope so too.”

2.      Fia has just finished packing a present to Mrs. Ani, her English teacher. She will give it to her on her birthday. Siti said that Mrs. Ani will like it.
Siti: “-________________________________________________________________________.”
Fia: “Thanks. I hope so too.”

3.      Firman has just finished making noodles for his friends. Bina says that it looks nice and she’s sure that everybody will like it.
Bina: “______________________________________________________________________.”
Siti: “Thank you. I hope so too.”

4.      Beni has just finished cleaned the classroom. Mr. Dani praises him. He also thanks him for that.
Mr. Dani: “___________________________________________________________________.”
Beni: “You are welcome.”

5.      Siti has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the Independence Day. Bina praises her voice very much, and she thinks Siti will admire all students in their school.
Siti: “_______________________________________________________________________.”
Bina: “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

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